What is the worst job in the world

What is the worst job in the world

There are many jobs out there that everyone just assumes are the worst because they are so bad, but what job really takes the cake? In order to find out which one of these jobs deserves the crown as the worst job in the world, we have to look at several factors such as salary, stress level, working conditions and even physical demands. Without further ado, here is a list of the 10 worst jobs in the world. I hope you enjoy it and learn something new along the way!

We all have to make money somehow, but some jobs are definitely better than others. This top 10 list ranks the 10 worst jobs in the world by the difficulties they present to their workers and by the low pay they offer. What are some of the worst jobs in the world? Read on to find out!

1) Animal testing

Animal testing is a controversial topic among many people who believe animals have a right to be free from experimentation. Organizations like PETA feel that animal testing should not be necessary for humans because it does not improve human health. There are other organizations, such as LUSH and HLS, which believe that animal testing is necessary to cure diseases like AIDS and cancer. The main purpose of animal testing is usually to determine how much or what type of substance an organism can take before they show adverse side effects. As shown in the video Battling Toxic Shock Syndrome, results from these tests showed harmful effects on cats when they were exposed to tampons with increased absorbency.

2) Running an incinerator

Some of the toughest jobs out there are ones that can affect someone’s physical and mental health. Incinerator operators work around a lot of toxic materials that aren’t good for people, which leads to higher rates of depression, anxiety, and even alcoholism. Sounds like fun, huh? The upside is that many will only have to do this job for two or three years before retiring. It also pays well, with an average salary of $62,000 per year. That might not sound like much when you’re working around hazardous chemicals, but it’s better than nothing.

3) Seaweed harvester

At first glance, you may not realize just how difficult and backbreaking seaweed harvesting can be. Given that seaweed plants grow underwater, it’s usually harvested at low tide (right when the tide goes out). This means that workers need to wade through mud, sand, and ocean debris just to get to them. Once they start cutting them off at the roots, all that’s left of those plants are a sticky string that has to be pulled out of the blades. And if their hand slips? They have to go back under and find where they lost grip of their knife or sickle-shaped blade.

4) Cleaning up oil spills

Though no one’s dream of a worst job might be this, it does have its benefits. If you have a love for science and care about protecting nature, then you will probably find the work fascinating. You may also get to meet some great people that are passionate about these issues as well. With these elements, there are ways to make this job rewarding and not so bad. Of course, some days can be very hard and frustrating when dealing with such a large scale problem. But all in all, many who do this type of work enjoy their careers and feel they are making an impact on our planet.

5) Fisherman

Fishermen must work on their boats for hours at a time. They live by strict fishing quotas and quotas are often legally binding. Fisheries are also only allotted so many licenses per season, meaning that there might not be enough fish to go around. Fishermen have to put up with all sorts of weather, including sweltering hot days and frigid cold nights. In addition, they can be surrounded by all types of creatures, from crabs to sharks. If you’ve ever seen the movie Jaws, you know how scary it can be when a shark breaches the surface of the water and bites down on an unsuspecting victim.

Fishermen don’t always have access to clean drinking water or showers and working conditions are far from ideal. The living quarters aboard these ships are usually cramped spaces that sleep anywhere from two to six people, sometimes more depending on how large the boat is.

There’s no denying that fisherman has one of the most demanding jobs out there today; they spend long periods away from home while working hard under difficult conditions while facing life-threatening situations every day just trying to make ends meet–in this case literally!

6) Coal Miner

Coal mining is one of the most dangerous jobs and one of the least loved. These miners are exposed to all sorts of hazards from suffocation to accidents to long hours. It’s so dangerous, there are entire books on how it shaped America. A couple interesting tidbits about coal mining: one, without it we wouldn’t have steel (coal is a major part of steel production) and two, coal miners can be as young as 12 years old or as old as 85 (there aren’t many opportunities for them!).

7) Garbage collector

Few people have to deal with the dirty work of collecting garbage, sorting it and recycling it. The life of a garbage collector is not easy. Trash can be found everywhere from toxic chemicals to medical waste, but as one woman from Virginia found out when she took on this unsightly profession, there are other icky issues lurking inside your trash can too: dirt, spiders and bugs.

8) Subway cleaners

A 2009 report from Dr. Adam Perkins, a lecturer at King’s College London, suggests that Some people are attracted to the night shift because it allows them to escape the feeling of being locked into employment. These people will often experience insomnia or significant sleep disruption on the night shift. Many cleaners have cited their un-structured and solitary work schedule as one of their main sources of frustration with their work. In particular, several cleaners who were featured in a 2013 piece for VICE highlighted how after finishing their shifts, they didn’t really have anything else to do with themselves. This emptiness and solitude may lead them into heavy drinking or substance abuse in order to pass the time.

9) Cowshed attendant

Cowshed attendants clean cow or pig enclosures and collect manure. One of their primary jobs is removing slurry – a liquid, sludgy substance made up of manure, urine, bacteria, and water that they scrape off floors with shovels. Slurry often has high concentrations of ammonia from urine mixed with sweat from animals’ hooves and their exhalations. Often workers use crude oil to dissolve the manure for easier collection; however this oil can seep into puddles of water nearby and contaminate them. Workers are constantly exposed to animal dung which can result in various respiratory ailments.

10) Sewer worker

No one wants to talk about what sewer workers do, but I want to highlight it because it’s such an important job. Sewer workers provide a valuable service by cleaning the water runoff we all produce every day- everything from sewage and toilet waste, to dirty dishwater and animal carcasses. This isn’t just gross; these wastes contain bacteria, viruses, parasites, and other icky things that could make us sick if they end up going untreated.