How Much Does a Sales Engineer Make in Boston

How Much Does a Sales Engineer Make in Boston

Sales engineering is an ever-evolving field that combines technical and business knowledge to provide innovative solutions to customers. It is an important part of any sales organization and a vital component of the business development process. As Boston is the third-largest city in the United States, it is home to a vibrant sales engineering industry that is constantly evolving and adapting to the changing business climate. In this blog, we will explore the definition of sales engineering, the current state of the industry in Boston, and the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.

Average Salary for Sales Engineers in Boston

Are you considering a career as a Sales Engineer based in Boston? If so, you may be curious to learn about the average salary for Sales Engineers in Boston. Knowing the average salary for Sales Engineers in this city can help you determine whether or not a career in this field is a good fit for you.

The average salary for Sales Engineers in Boston varies depending on experience, education, industry, and company size. According to PayScale, the average salary for Sales Engineers in Boston ranges from $72,075 to $127,566, with a median salary of $100,719. The lowest 10% of salaries for Sales Engineers in Boston come in at about $63,842, while the highest 10% of salaries for Sales Engineers in Boston are around $148,717.

Experience is a major factor that can influence the average salary for Sales Engineers in Boston. Generally, the more experience you have, the higher your salary. According to PayScale, the experience level of Sales Engineers in Boston ranges from less than 1 year to over 20 years. Those with less than 1 year of experience earn an average of $77,841, while those with 20 or more years of experience earn an average of $115,964.

In addition to experience, education is also a factor that can influence salaries for Sales Engineers in Boston. Those with a Bachelor’s Degree earn an average of $101,262, while those with a Master’s Degree earn an average of $115,285.

Finally, the industry and company size can also have an effect on the average salary for Sales Engineers in Boston. Sales Engineers in the aerospace and defense industry tend to have a higher average salary than those in other industries, with an average of $104,821. Similarly, Sales Engineers in larger companies tend to have a higher salary than Sales Engineers working in smaller companies, with an average of $101,595.

To summarize, the average salary for Sales Engineers in Boston varies depending on experience, education, industry, and company size. Generally, the more experience you have, the higher your salary. Those with a Bachelor’s Degree earn an average of $101,262, while those with a Master’s Degree earn an average of $115,285. Sales Engineers in the aerospace and defense industry tend to have a higher average salary than those in other industries, with an average of $104,821. Similarly, Sales Engineers in larger companies tend to have a higher salary than Sales Engineers working in smaller companies, with an average of $101,595.

Factors influencing Salary for Sales Engineers 

When it comes to determining salary for sales engineers, there are a variety of factors that play a role in influencing the total amount. As a sales engineer, you need to understand the components that go into determining your salary in order to make the most of your job and increase your earning potential. Here are some of the primary factors that play a role in influencing salary for sales engineers.

  • Experience

Experience is one of the main factors that influence salary for sales engineers. The more experience you have in the industry, the more you can earn. Companies typically look for sales engineers who have a track record of success and are knowledgeable in their field. This means that if you have experience in a specific product or market, you are likely to be paid more.

  • Location

Location also plays a role in influencing salary for sales engineers. Companies often pay more for sales engineers in larger cities compared to smaller cities, and this can be a great way to increase your salary. Also, if you’re willing to relocate for a job, you can often find more lucrative opportunities in other areas.

  • Education

Education is another factor that can influence salary for sales engineers. If you have a degree in a specific field, for example, engineering, you may be more attractive to potential employers. Making sure you have the right educational background can help you secure a higher salary.

  • Projects and Challenges

As a sales engineer, you’ll typically be working on projects and challenges, and your ability to tackle them successfully will often be taken into account when determining your salary. Companies want to make sure that they’re bringing on sales engineers who can handle the work they’re assigned, and being able to show your ability to complete such tasks can help you negotiate a higher salary.

  • Networking

Your network and connections can also influence salary for sales engineers. Companies may be more willing to pay a higher salary if they know that you have a good reputation in the industry and have connections with people who could help them with their project. As such, having a strong network in the industry can be a great asset when negotiating for a higher salary.

These are some of the main factors that influence salary for sales engineers. Understanding these components and making sure you’re well-prepared can help you maximize your earning potential and increase your salary.

Additional Incentives and Benefits 

Sales Engineers are the backbone of any successful sales team. They are responsible for providing technical expertise and solutions to customers, as well as helping sales reps close deals. As such, they are crucial to the company’s success and should be suitably rewarded.

When it comes to additional incentives and benefits for Sales Engineers, there are two main components that need to be considered: average commission and bonus, and additional benefits typically offered to Sales Engineers.

  • Average Commission and Bonus

Sales Engineers can expect to receive a commission and bonus structure that is commensurate with their performance. This will depend on the company, but typically they can expect to receive a base salary and additional commissions and bonuses based on their sales performance. Commissions and bonuses are typically based on the amount of sales that the Sales Engineer is able to generate, and the amount of revenue that is generated from the sales that they have facilitated.

  • Additional Benefits Typically Offered to Sales Engineers

In addition to the average commission and bonus structure for Sales Engineers, there are a number of additional benefits that are typically offered.

These include:

  • Stock options

Some companies may offer stock options to Sales Engineers as an additional incentive for them to perform well.

  • Travel and accommodation

Some companies may also offer Sales Engineers travel and accommodation allowance to attend trade shows and conferences.

  • Professional development opportunities

Many companies provide Sales Engineers with the opportunity to attend training sessions and seminars to help them stay up-to-date with the latest sales and marketing techniques.

  • Flexible working hours

Some companies may also offer Sales Engineers the opportunity to work flexible hours in order to accommodate their individual needs.

  • Health and wellness programs

Many companies offer Sales Engineers a range of health and wellness programs, such as gym memberships, to help them stay healthy and fit.

These are just some of the additional incentives and benefits that are typically offered to Sales Engineers. As such, it is important that companies take the time to recognize the importance of Sales Engineers and reward them accordingly. By doing so, companies can ensure that their Sales Engineers are motivated and rewarded for their hard work and dedication.


In conclusion, Sales Engineering in Boston is a growing and exciting field that offers a wide range of opportunities for creative and innovative professionals. With its strong network of potential employers, vibrant job market, and competitive salaries, Boston is a great place for individuals interested in sales engineering to build their career. By mastering the necessary skills and taking advantage of the available opportunities, sales engineers can find success in this dynamic city.